An energy saving, longer lasting LED light safe bulb.
Makes prying off ink bucket lids quick and painless.
Great for accurately lining up films when burning screens.
Coats screens with a thin, even layer of emulsion. Use with 18"x20" screens.
Secures screen for easier and cleaner emulsion coats.
Makes lining up films on screens quick and accurate.
Coats screens with a thin, even layer of emulsion. Use with 25"x36" screens.
Sturdy base and recessed caps for cleaner coats. Use with 20"x24" screens.
Coats screens with a thin, even layer of emulsion. Use with 23"x31" screens.
Coats screens with a thin, even layer of emulsion. Use with 20"x24" screens.
Sturdy base and recessed caps for cleaner coats. Use with 18"x20" screens.
Sturdy base and recessed caps for cleaner coats. Use with 23"x31" screens.
Sturdy base and recessed caps for cleaner coats. Use with 25"x36" screens.
Water removable blockout fluid for patching pinholes.
Great for DIY units and replacing existing blankets.
Uses neutral density filters that will give you one shot calculation to narrow down your exposure times.